Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Media Release: The FIUTT does not act without Lawful Cause

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (“the FIUTT”) has always applied diligence and reverence for the law in the utilization of it powers. The FIUTT therefore ensures that when requests are made to Financial Institutions and Listed Businesses for information, it has sufficient and lawful basis for doing such.

Under the FIUTT Act, the organization can request financial information from a Financial Institution or Listed Business in several circumstances in order to effectively achieve its intended mandate. The FIUTT may request information under numerous circumstances, for example, when analyzing a report/s; collection of data as required for tactical analysis. This is required in order to generate activity patterns, trends and typologies, investigative leads and also identify possible future behavior. Additionally, the FIUTT may request information from a Financial Institution or Listed Business when it receives a request from a foreign FIU or from local Law Enforcement Authorities for financial information.