Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Category: Speeches

Speech by the Minister in the Ministry of Finance at the Launch Event of the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Eric Solis Marketing Limited (SOLIS)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Government continues to recognize the important role that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play in promoting economic growth and development. The Government also recognizes the importance of Small and Medium Enterprises because they drive innovation and form an integral part of the innovation ecosystem. SMEs are more agile than larger enterprises,…

Feature Address by the Honourable Brian Manning, Minister in the Ministry of Finance at the Trinidad and Tobago Securities Exchange Commission

Good morning, it is my great honour and privilege to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. It is indeed a pleasure to stand before you today to discuss the pivotal role of the securities industry in driving economic growth, fostering resilience, and shaping the future of Trinidad and Tobago. As…

Mid-Year Budget Review 2024 – The Finance (Supplementary Appropriation) (Financial Year 2024) Bill, 2024

The Finance (Supplementary Appropriation) (Financial Year 2024) Bill, 2024, presented by the Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance during the 23rd Sitting of the House of Representatives – 4th Session on Friday 7th June, 2024.

Feature Address by the acting Prime Minister Hon. Colm Imbert, MP at the Caribbean Poultry Association’s 7th International Technical Symposium & Exhibition- Sustainability & Resilience in the Caribbean Poultry Sector

I wish to extend a warm welcome to all our Regional and International guests, to our twin-island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. This three-day Technical Symposium and Exhibition themed “Sustainability & Resilience of the Caribbean Poultry Sector” focuses on pressing issues of climate change, sustainability, and resilience within our industry. I’m told that the Caribbean…

Speech by the Minister of Finance at the Launch of the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.I am delighted to be here to mark the launch of the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank, as it represents a significant milestone in the Government’s thrust to offer to deserving and eligible citizens of Trinidad and Tobago mortgage instruments which could propel them from being renters at the mercy of…

Statement by the Honourable Minister of Finance on the Annual Report of the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago for the year ended September 30, 2023

Madam Speaker, I have been authorized by Cabinet to make the following Statement. I therefore thank you for the opportunity to deliver this Statement on the Annual Report of the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (FIUTT) for the year ended September 30, 2023. READ MORE

Keynote address by the Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance, MP at the TTIFC and the EU-UNCDF-OACP Partnership for Digital Financial Inclusion

I am pleased to be here with you this morning to discuss a very important agenda item for the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, namely Financial Inclusion.One of this Government’s major focuses is empowering every citizen to participate meaningfully in the economy of Trinidad and Tobago. To achieve this, we believe that everyone should have…

Speech: The Honourable Colm Imbert, MP, Minister of Finance presentation at the 14th Annual International Finance and Accounting Conference (AIFAC2023) on Friday 17 November, 2023

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to address you today, as this forum provides an opportune collaboration in developing and aligning public economic policy with the strategic plans of the private sector- so that the broad national agenda is executed. Over the past year, the world has been recalibrating and repositioning its efforts following…

Budget Statement 2024 – Building Capacity for Diversification and Growth (Mobile Version)

National Budget Statement 2024 presented by the Honourable Colm Imbert, MP, Minister of Finance in the House of Representatives on Monday 2nd October, 2023. Madam Speaker, I wish to present to this Honourable House the Budget Statement for the financial year 2024. However, it is only fitting that before starting I thank Dr. the Honourable…

Budget Statement 2024 – Building Capacity for Diversification and Growth

National Budget Statement 2024 presented by the Honourable Colm Imbert, MP, Minister of Finance in the House of Representatives on Monday 2nd October, 2023. Madam Speaker, I wish to present to this Honourable House the Budget Statement for the financial year 2024. However, it is only fitting that before starting I thank Dr. the Honourable…